7 Sensing Software

Light Sense

Light Sense helps building more realistic Augmented Reality experiences on any platform or device. 

Light Sense estimates local lighting conditions (anywhere in the scene) to blend virtual objects seamlessly into the real-world environment. 

Our proprietary AI algorithm performs accurate real-time local light estimations to help rendering virtual objects and their shadows consistently. 

Light Sense now also enables rendering the reflection of the scene on virtual shiny and metallic objects to unlock new AR experiences. Our proprietary technology achieves all this using RGB and depth information only. 

Light Sense is OS-agnostic and offers cross-platform support; our API enables easy integration with all popular AR frameworks for fast deployment on any smartphone or AR headset. 

Light Sense is designed for very low-power operation on Smartphones and Smartglasses: less than 15% CPU load on one Silver Core of the SnapDragon XR2 for AR Glasses or SnapDragon 865 for Smartphones